Contemporary Art contemporain Guadeloupe L'Artocarpe French Caribbean America Americas best artists Joëlle Ferly Founder

L'Artocarpe members spent a full week working with artists coming from various places of the US: the result of such meeting went beyond all expectation...

Aisha Tandiwe Bell working in the studio at L'Artocarpe
Aisha Tandiwe Bell working in the studio at L'Artocarpe
An unusual residency has just ended! This time L'Artocarpe was host to 11 people, artists and academic. Coordinated by Alix Pierre, a Guadeloupean academic, who is a professor at the Spelman College in Atlanta  along with Florence Poirier NKPA a member from L'Artocarpe, the entire project was to mix US-based artists from the Diaspora (Mexico, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic...) with members from L'Artocarpe coming from Martinique, St Martin, Guadeloupe and France. A week of  intensive work led to interesting exchanges...

Participants were

 DVCAI -  Miami
  • Nadia Rea Morales
  • Juana Valdes
  • Aisha Tandiwe Bell
  • Rosa Naday Garmendia
  • Groana Menendez
  • Jacquenette Arette
  • Vincente Scatuffe
  • Francesca Lalanne
L’Artocarpe -  Le Moule
  • Florence Poirier-Nkpa (L’Artocarpe St Martin) -  Coordination Guadeloupe
  • Henri Tauliaut (L’Artocarpe Martinique)
  • Annabel Guérédrat Martinique
  •   Joëlle Ferly (L’Artocarpe Guadeloupe)
  • François Piquet (L’Artocarpe Guadeloupe)
  • Kelly Sinnapah Mary  (L’Artocarpe Guadeloupe)
  • David Gumbs (L’Artocarpe Martinique)
  • Alix Pierre (Guadeloupe – Atlanta, USA)  - Project coordinator
  • Rosie Gordon Wallace (Jamaica – Miami, USA)
  • Roy Wallace (Reporter)
Art Platforms
  • L’Artocarpe  –Guadeloupe
  • DVCAI (Miami) –  - Miami


Rosie Gordon Wallace at the CMA Art school, advising Foundation Year students
Rosie Gordon Wallace at the CMA Art school, advising Foundation Year students
Rosie Gordon Wallace is the director of the Diaspora Vibe Caribbean Art Incubator. Her first appearance in Guadeloupe was through the broadcast of F Comme Femme, TV program produced by Steve and Stephanie James, some years ago.
Her platform has been running for 18 years. Rosie and Roy (her husband) have been very active to promote art practices of artists from the Diasporas.

Filmmakers Steve & Stephanie James reuniting with Roy Wallace at the opening of the one-day show. ALL PICTURES: L'Artocarpe
Filmmakers Steve & Stephanie James reuniting with Roy Wallace at the opening of the one-day show. ALL PICTURES: L'Artocarpe
The planning of the week included portfolio presentations, studio visits, local artists visit, exhibition visits, art school meeting with the students, press calls, professional workshops, along with creating exclusive art pieces for the presentation day.
Artworks included sculptures, performances, photographs, installations, painting, digital art, design...


Annabel Guérédrat (in red) performing at the opening of the private view. L'Artocarpe
Annabel Guérédrat (in red) performing at the opening of the private view. L'Artocarpe

Opening of the show at L'Artocarpe. Videos projected across the street in Le Moule
Opening of the show at L'Artocarpe. Videos projected across the street in Le Moule

The one-day art shop at L'Artocarpe
The one-day art shop at L'Artocarpe
L'Artocarpe members set up a one-day art shop in order to raise funds for the forthcoming representation of Henri Tauliaut, member of L'Artocarpe at the Biennale of Havana (Cuba).
The money is to be assisting him with all the expenses that her monumental sculpture is going to generate.
Good luck to you Henri!

Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Mardi 7 Avril 2015 à 22:21

L'Artocarpe AIR (Artist in Residence)
L'Artocarpe Contemporary Art contemporain
L'Artocarpe (Lat. artocarpus): Arbre-à-Pain; Bread Fruit tree

55 rue Hugo
97 160 Le Moule
F - Guadeloupe
Mob: 0690 302 743 - LD: 0590 901 949
Facebook: L'Artocarpe

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04E Détail installation vagina  2012
10 P1030242
Revolution: Motion of A Body Around Another Body or Onw Its Own Axis...
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Artist of the month