Contemporary Art contemporain Guadeloupe L'Artocarpe French Caribbean America Americas best artists Joëlle Ferly Founder

L’Artocarpe est avant tout un lieu de création artistique dans le domaine de l’art contemporain.
L’accent est mis sur l’enrichissement de la pratique de l’artiste via un apport théorique et des réflexions adaptées à son travail plutôt que sur la nécessité de montrer des œuvres à tout prix !

Exhibition at L'Artocarpe. Artist explaining his work to members of the public (2009)
Exhibition at L'Artocarpe. Artist explaining his work to members of the public (2009)
(English translation at the end) L’espace invite les artistes à expérimenter, réfléchir, travailler à plusieurs dans des disciplines jusques là non explorées afin d’affirmer le choix de leur medium et des problématiques abordées.

Toutes les expositions réalisées par, ou en partenariat avec L’Artocarpe s’appliquent à pousser l’artiste à concevoir son installation, à affiner le discours accompagnant sa propre pratique, afin que celle-ci soit en adéquation formelle avec les oeuvres présentées.

Exhibition at L'Artocarpe: all spaces are good enough to present artwork, even in the staircase (2009).
Exhibition at L'Artocarpe: all spaces are good enough to present artwork, even in the staircase (2009).
Les artistes dont la pratique n’est pas à proprement parler de l’art contemporain, peuvent utiliser cette plateforme de réflexion afin d’explorer de nouveaux horizons. C’est le cas du Photographe Philippe Virapin dont la présentation de photographies à L’Artocarpe, lui a permis d’envisager avec plus d’assurance et de maîtrise l’installation de son exposition solo au Pavillon de la Ville de Pointe-à-Pître en Avril 2010. Cette présentation osée, montrant une photographie par cimaise et/ou par salle, permettait au spectateur de mieux saisir les prouesses techniques des sujets représentés (des danseurs) et du photographe.

Exhibition of Philippe Virapin at the Pavillon de la Ville de Pointe-à-Pître in partnership with L'Artocarpe (2010)
Exhibition of Philippe Virapin at the Pavillon de la Ville de Pointe-à-Pître in partnership with L'Artocarpe (2010)
L’Artocarpe encourage les artistes adhérents à repenser leurs expositions à travers des retours constructifs qui ne visent qu’à permettre à ces derniers, de mieux s’inscrire dans une pratique contemporaine de l’art. Les artistes adhérents sont fortement incités à monter leurs propres projets d’expositions en commun dans un lieu autre que L’Artocarpe, avec des structures partenaires afin de confronter leur pratique à celle d’autres artistes venant d’horizon divers.
Le but étant de pouvoir prétendre à participer à des expositions ambitieuses, hors Guadeloupe.

Exhibition of Philippe Virapin at the Pavillon de la Ville de Pointe-à-Pître in partnership with L'Artocarpe (2010)
Exhibition of Philippe Virapin at the Pavillon de la Ville de Pointe-à-Pître in partnership with L'Artocarpe (2010)
Le batiment de L’Artocarpe est néanmoins disponible pour des expositions d’artistes confirmés, dont le dossier aura été accepté par le comité de sélection. Seront privilégiés les projets d’expositions dont la mise en espace est novatrice, les disciplines travaillées peu communes, et les formes utilisées, inédites.
L’Artocarpe soutient les expositions de ses artistes adhérents en leur assurant une communication et une visibilité en ligne.

Pour information :

Artwork conceived at L'Artocarpe and presented in Canary Islands by curator Orlando Britto, visible on the picture (2010)
Artwork conceived at L'Artocarpe and presented in Canary Islands by curator Orlando Britto, visible on the picture (2010)
Production first, then exhibition...not reverse!

L’Artocarpe is primarily a space for creativity in the field of contemporary art.
The focus is on bringing theoretical input to artist practices so as to increase chances to get more international exhibitions. In no cases we rush to have a « show » for exhibition sake !

Artists are invited to experiment new avenues for their work, reflect on new angles and try new disciplines, media to express themselves.

All exhibition events organised by or in partner with L’Artocarpe will seek to challenge the process of displaying artwork, as well as, seek to deeper the discourse that is linked to the pieces. The aim being that content and forms come to some deeper meaning than just what is being presented and continue to address topics of our contemporary life.

Artists whose practice is not considered as contemporary art can use this platform to get a better understanding of the new realities of the art industry.
More importantly, L’Artocarpe should bring some elements of responses to the various questions that you may have regarding your own practice, such as « why do I always get rejected when I send application for an exhibition ? », « how to apply for a residency abroad ? » , « what is the role of a curator ? art critique ? »… and so on and so forth.

Already artist who were not into contemporary art have used L’Artocarpe for their creative project. That is the case of photographer Philippe Virapin, who presented his images of Hip Hop dancers as two solo shows : one in Guadeloupe in April and the other in Martinique in May 2010. L’Artocarpe gave advice on presenting his work (one large scale picture per room), wrote his catalogue and ensured assistance throughout the process of setting up the shows. The exhibition received a great attendance and is now continuing to attract the interest of many venues willing to host the show. The exhibition is the first show of this photographer ready to be promoted internationally.

Likewise, L’Artocarpe encourages artists to rethink their presentation, which is often what is left aside. Through constructive feedback sessions, with external experts or advisers, art creators are able to affirm themselves a real art professionals.
Members of L’Artocarpe are invited to use the premises to work on a joint exhibition that challenges all aspects of what a presentation of artwork may be.
Should the venue be too small, or not appropriate, L’Artocarpe will assist artists to seek other venues. The aim is to maintain a high standard level of quality for presenting artwork.

Exhibition at L'Artocarpe: visitor discussing in front of a video presentation (2009)
Exhibition at L'Artocarpe: visitor discussing in front of a video presentation (2009)
L’Artocarpe building is available for hire, to mid-career artists from outside, willing to present an exhibition. You will need to send some documentation to have your application selected. Projects that can demonstrate some level of experimentation, outstanding originality and creativity are likely to be of interest.

L’Artocarpe is assisting artist members by ensuring some communication on the exhibition events that they hold. See our Facebook account : L’Artocarpe
Likewise, members are able to display their work online, once it’s been approved by the selection committee.

For further information :

Mise à jour par L' Artocarpe le Mardi 30 Novembre 2010 à 01:09

L'Artocarpe AIR (Artist in Residence)
L'Artocarpe Contemporary Art contemporain
L'Artocarpe (Lat. artocarpus): Arbre-à-Pain; Bread Fruit tree

55 rue Hugo
97 160 Le Moule
F - Guadeloupe
Mob: 0690 302 743 - LD: 0590 901 949
Facebook: L'Artocarpe

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04E Détail installation vagina  2012
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Revolution: Motion of A Body Around Another Body or Onw Its Own Axis...
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Artist of the month