Big Success for the conference of Nathalie Muchamad / Le public était au RDV pour la rencontre avec Nathalie Muchamad

Rédigé par [L'Arto Team] le Mardi 7 Mars 2017 à 02:07

When art meets politics: the practice of Nathalie Muchamad took us through her personal experience as a woman artist from Indonesian parents, born in New Caledonia, now residing in France. Artworks presented were about syncretic Islam, the influence of the Cultural Studies, The Bandung conference celebration of 2015 as well as remakes of Hollywood movies and poems.

Aziz Salmone Fall interviewed in Bandung, 2015, by Nathalie Muchamad. His words are part of the artist's installation.
There is no doubt that Nathalie Muchamad is to come back to Guadeloupe: her appealing art practice has led to a variety of exchanges with the public, artists and art professionals, all interested in working with Nathalie in the future.
To put it in a nutshell: Nathalie's practice is about keeping up the consciousness. An attitude that is verging a form of cultural activism, if not political engagement.

Nathalie Muchamad has now ended her residency at L'Artocarpe. She will be sincerely missed...

Nathalie Muchamad is a member of L'Artocarpe France...

Questions from the public were numerous and rich.

A nice exchange, which continues to affirm L'Artocarpe as generator of interesting theoretical events in relation to contemporary art.

References to the Black Aesthetics were constant: here a passage of Richard Wright's book on his decision to report on the Bandung conference. Visual included in Nathalie's art installation.
| Mise à jour par L'Artocarpe TEAM le Mardi 7 Mars 2017 à 02:07